You would like to Comprehend Sugar Addiction Symptoms?

Understanding the concept of sugar addiction symptoms


A possible definition may be: the impossibility for a person to resist to the sweet foods or beverages temptation. People suffering from this condition find impossible to stay without sugar for too long: usually a day, a meal sometimes even an hour. Many times people don’t realize they are suffering from it as the symptoms can be mistaken for seasonal affect disorder, general tiredness, dieting “issues,” or depression. Controlling addiction can be difficult when you don’t know it affects you. When you became aware of the existence of the sugar addiction symptoms you can easily manage the health risks and overcome the problem.


What are the sugar addiction symptoms?


Some general signs you need to know are:


a strong drive to eat sugar when you are depressed: when you feel upset or stressed you automatically turn to sugar for comfort.


obsession with sugar or sugary food: no matter where you are – working at office, walking in the park, partying with your friends – your thoughts are constantly stolen by sugar or sweet food.


sugar triggered defensive mechanism: you don’t want to be told about not eating sugar. You don’t want people criticize your addiction. The slightest comment about eating sugar or sugar addiction symptoms upsets you and generates defensive reactions.


energy depleted body: when sweet foods become a habit you start to rely more on these than on your natural energy resources of your body. Hence you feel weak, lethargic and depressed.


sugar habits: this is when you eat sugar or sugar food at about the same time each morning, afternoon, evening or even night. When you skip the “sugar” hour you find yourself very anxious or depressed.


sugar snacks when you are bored: when you are in a boring situation you grab a high-sugar snack to keep you occupied. This is one of the most important sugar addiction symptoms.

Thinking about the consequences and some tips


When this addiction is not discovered and diagnosed at the right time, the consequences are severe: hyperglycemia, type 2 diabetes, pancreatic problems, high cholesterol levels, hypertension obesity, anxiety and arthritis. There are behavioral consequences as well: hyperactivity, aggression, anti-social behavior.


Overcoming sugar addiction is not so difficult, but you need determination. Firstly, you have to accept that you are suffering from sugar addiction. Recognizing the problem means having won half the battle. Then you need to break the addiction. Eliminate sugar from your diet. Here are some tips you need to know when you discover sugar addiction symptoms in your life:


  1. Avoid salt foods. They induce sugar cravings.


  1. Eat more fruit and vegetables. There are sweet vegetables, too.


  1. Buy smart: Read the labels on the foods you buy.


  1. Eat whole grains. They contain complex carbohydrates (millet, barley, brown rice).


  1. Ice-cream fans: eat only ice-cream that is reach in healthy ingredients and not high flavored, high sugar ice-cream.


  1. Don’t give up sugar: the only thing you’ll get is a powerful crave.


  1. High protein breakfast: in the morning eat high protein foods.


This is nice but where to seek help when you discover sugar addiction symptoms in your life?


Where to find help?


There are different levels of help. Some need just a helping hand from their friends. Others may need treatment in a sugar issues center. You may join an online support group. This may help some people. A new idea is hypnosis. Suggestions and sugar related hypnosis sessions work for a lot of people. Carefully devised exercises that stimulate metabolism offer another, more natural alternative. The will is extremely important. Be determined to win the battle. When there’s a will, there’s always a way. When things don’t go as planned and the sugar addiction symptoms don’t go away, don’t hesitate to seek professional treatment.


sugar addiction coach | sugar addiction symptoms

Bad As Heroin and Cocaine the Sugar Addiction?

A study from Princeton University yielded results that show a striking similarity between sugar addiction and heroin and cocaine addiction! If you are having a problem with sugar addiction, then read on! You will find plenty of useful information and tips to help you break that sugar addiction for good!


Forget the Needle, Pass the Sugar!


I remember a two-week period of time where I ate fast food every morning before work. Every morning! I also remember sitting in my car before work one morning, not having stopped for fast food (lack of funds), and wondering just how I was going to get through the whole day without my sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit and vanilla ice coffee. I actually called my husband and begged him to bring me my fast food breakfast or my day just wasn’t going to start!


After I got what I wanted, and the day went on, I began to wonder just how did I end up a fast food breakfast junkie? Why was I reduced to calling my husband away from his daily routine in order to bring his wife fast food across the other side of town? I found the answer sometime later, and it has something to do with sugar addiction (really, it does!).


Fast forward a year later, where I had received some pretty interesting and enlightening information about the majority of fast food: over 70% of the foods served at many fast food restaurants are made up of high fructose corn syrup!


High fructose corn syrup is basically a cheaper form of sugar; but it is also a very nasty little animal that produces cravings for more sugar! Not only does high fructose corn syrup produce sugar cravings, it actually interferes with the hormone that tells you when you are full! Anything that contains high fructose corn syrup is a trap for overeating.


Get to Know Your Enemy Before the War


If you have an addiction to sweets, it is most likely because of the sugar content. Yes, it is an actual addiction. A study from Princeton University yielded results that show a striking similarity between sugar addiction and heroin and cocaine addiction! The research discovered that sugar causes an increase of dopamine levels in areas of the brain that are associated with addictive behaviors.


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, and is very similar to adrenaline chemically; it also affects brain processes that control movement, emotional response, and the ability to experience pleasure and pain. This explains why, when you’re having a rough day, you turn to a plate full of brownies! The sugar in those brownies acts as a regulator which produces “highs” that temporarily neutralize emotional lows!


Before you wage an all-out war against sugar, you must know your opposition! You must also know that sugar isn’t always labeled as sugar. If you have a physical addiction to sugar, the best thing to do is to first start reading labels. Anything that lists dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, or sucrose must be thrown out or at least removed from your reach. Also keep a look out for any ingredient lists with the word “syrup” in it. Those are all sugar.


Breaking the Addiction


You must get your mind prepared, because your body may experience some symptoms of withdrawal. If your mind is set, then you will overcome your addiction to sugar. The length of time it takes to fully detox depends on each individual person. Most experts say that a body will lose its cravings for sugar after having been without sugar for 4 full days. Here are some tips to get you through this temporary rough patch:


Make sure to eat a sufficient amount of protein; maybe even more than usual. Detox is hard on the body, so it is important to keep your body nourished during the process.

Avoid breads that are enriched in any way, including enriched wheat breads. Stick to whole grain, whole wheat breads, cereals, and rice. As far as bread goes, it would be wise to temporarily use sprouted grain bread or rice spelt bread as they are “slow burners”, meaning they hold the blood sugar for longer periods of time.

Stock up on low glycemic foods such as dark green vegetables. Click here for a list of low glycemic food.

Clear your cupboards of all foods containing sugar and derivatives of sugar. Actually remove them from your house.

If you’re prone to headaches, stock up on some Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Also expect possible diarrhea, mood swings (possibly severe), fatigue, and general aches and pains.

Need something sweet? Stock up on fruit! Just because you are working on eliminating sugar from your diet does not mean that you have to deprive your sweet tooth!

Abstain from alcohol use.

Mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for at least four days of no sugar. It will seem painful, maybe even excruciating at first; but after just a few short days, your body will have kicked its addiction to sugar and you can go on with your life!


Should you choose to delight in sugar products after you successfully detox, be sure to only keep it at a minimum. Also, always keep an eye on the ingredient lists of the foods you buy to ensure that sugar addiction doesn’t sneak up on you again.


One last thought…


If you have a problem with sugar addiction, don’t just read this article; apply the information offered! Remember that knowledge by itself is not powerful; only when it is applied can it help transform you!


sugar addiction coach | sugar addiction symptoms